On appointments and poetry

2013/01/30 § Leave a comment

I lied.

I didn’t really go food shopping. I showered, then I returned to bed and made plans to cancel all my appointments that day (today had a total of 7). I even went as far as cancelling one before realising that by not going food shopping I would be able to mentally prepare myself for the ones left. So I stayed in bed for a bit, then I went to a workshop on Mental Health, and then to the first meeting of a Therapy Through Poetry group. I’m pretty sure that this meeting is the reason why getting up was so hard, as I feel quite ambivalent when it comes to sharing poetry/emotions face-to-face with strangers-no-longer. But I went and though it was emotionally draining and uncomfortable (and I didn’t even share anything) but I think I found the drive to write more poetry and texts in general, which is a good thing. The topic was Monsters and it brought up terrible things and hilarious things, and I was really surprised when I realised that the majority of the group were female middle aged mature students. Their poetry definitely comes from a different perspective than mine, but it is fascinating to see how much overlap there is regardless.

So I bought two new notebooks to write my stuff poetry in cause I don’t have enough of those. Come, inspiration; come, long nights with the pages living vicariously through me. Or the other way around.

Now I have to run to get changed and get to Burlesque committee meeting/lesson/performance meeting ugh. Wish me luck.

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