A story about two strangers. One a little stranger than the other.

2011/03/07 § Leave a comment

Adam is a super cute film
dealing with loneliness, independence, love, comfort zones and a man named Adam *le gasp* with Asperger’s syndrome. I now officially love Adam. I mean, the guy has a planetarium inside his house. What is not to love?

During the first 20 minutes of watching this film, I hugged my screen three times. I am very fond of cyber-hugs. Adam seemed like I could need a few of them. Hugh Dancy did an incredible job portraying frustration in an aspie way. Even though this film, like most other aspie/autism-inspired art, is quite stigmatising, I still loved it and I could see myself in many of Adam’s little quirks.

The only problem I had with the film was the female lead – I didn’t really like her – and that the script was perhaps a little weaker than it could have been (I was kind of hoping to get to cry a bit at the end). All in all, it was a very good film with a realistic approach to an interesting person.

This is the type of film I wish more people would get a chance to see. It has so much more to offer than the over-hyped Hollywood junk that gets forced down our throats at the local megaplex. Adam won’t crack the $200 million gross, but Adam will have an impact on you and create some interesting after-film discussion. Isn’t that the real fun of movies anyway?” Taken from the user reviews on IMDb (David Ferguson). Just what I wanted to say, so no reason to rephrase it.

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