Thought you wanted that.

2011/08/08 § 2 Comments

The titles of my Flickr photographs sound like cheap Norwegian book titles.

“med føttene på bakken.” (with the feet on the ground)

“ingen vitner” (no witnesses)

“brors tårer” (the brother’s tears)

“når naturen snakker” (when nature speaks)

“hjelp meg ut av ensomheten” (help me not to be lonely)

“på ørnevinger” (on eagle wings)

“en enkel velsignelse” (a simple blessing)

“en sprekk i betongen” (a crack in the concrete)

Haha, oh lord. I need to rethink some of these titles. I guess that’s what you get when you decide to mass change all the titles on a spur of the moment whim.

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